Conversion of CO2 into value-added Products

Conversion of CO2 into value-added Products

Conversion of CO2 into value-added Products PROJECT PARTNERS: North Carolina State University Lectrolyst Modular Chemical Inc. Linde CRITICAL NEED Carbon dioxide can be potentially used as a feedstock for producing valuable products displacing conventional...
Plasma Assisted Catalytic Conversion of CO2 and Propane to propylene and CO

Plasma Assisted Catalytic Conversion of CO2 and Propane to propylene and CO

Susteon is developing a novel catalytic non-thermal plasma (CNTP) technology utilizing metallic/bimetallic catalysts in a commercially scalable reactor design. Our process utilizies CO2 as a soft oxidant to produce ethylene and propylene from ethane and propane, respectively. The key step in this conversion is the plasma assisted catalytic conversion of CO2 to CO and oxygen radicals at low temperatures.

Distributed Blue Hydrogen Production Using Low-Temperature Plasma

Distributed Blue Hydrogen Production Using Low-Temperature Plasma

Susteon is developing a compact distributed H2 generator with a goal to produce high-purity pressurized hydrogen at $3 to $4 per kg while capturing CO2.  This technology is based on a catalytic nonthermal plasma originally developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).